Today marks KitchenPolitics123 FIRST Anniversary!!!  We wish to thank our faithful readers for your support and contribution over a very exciting, interesting and rewarding year.

79 countries and 40 different languages (and still growing) on all 6 Continents around the globe.

KP123 has great things planned which we will roll out during our 1st Anniversary Year and we look forward to your continued great interaction. We pledge to continue our contribution to America's political thinking. KP123 is very grateful for the support in readership, the many shares on varying Social Media Networks and we appreciate your interesting and insightful comments. 

Our Internet Radio Show- on Blog Talk Radio- has caught on fire. (BlogTalkRadio.com/kitchenpolitics123 at 619-789-1959 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            619-789-1959      end_of_the_skype_highlighting . Soon we will expand from the current 11:00 pm Wednesdays and Thursdays 30 minutes show, to the 60-90 minute format in a Prime Time slot. We enjoy the feedback on our broadcasts and remember if you miss the actual broadcast you can liten to shows in the archives. 

Much respect to President Barack Obama and The White House, Vice President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham-Clinton and the many others who keep the American political arena exciting.  We extend out respect to progressives and conservatives and the millions of hard working Blue Collar and Middle Class people, all of America and our visitors wherever in the world you sit in comfort to read, listen and comment. You inspire us to do what we do daily. 

Forward Forever, Backward Never...Thanks a million and One Love!

Progressively Yours,

David, Lori  and the entire KP123 Family

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